Mobile Application Development
Master's programme(s):
MSc in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Systems, MSc in Mobile and Web Computing: Internet of Things Applications
Course code(s):
ISE19, MC07
Course type:
Elective, Compulsory
Semester (Full-time/Part-time students):
2/4, 2/2
Learning outcomes:
On completing the course, the student will be able to:
- Identify the basic features, requirements and specifications of mobile applications.
- Design efficient user interfaces by selecting the appropriate Views on a case-by-case basis.
- Program the behavior of the components of a mobile application.
- Insert external elements (widgets) into a mobile application.
- Connect mobile applications to other applications, services and interfaces on the World Wide Web
- Publish apps to mobile app distribution platforms as well as the World Wide Web.
General competences:
- Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology
- Decision Making
- Teamwork
- Production of free, creative, and inductive thinking
The course introduces the student to mobile environments and analyzes the fundamental concepts and related features. It then presents software development techniques for creating applications that conform to these characteristics. The taught material is organized and taught as follows:
- Basic concepts of mobile applications. Requirements and specifications. The Android operating system. Mobile App Lifecycle.
- Structural elements of mobile applications (Views) and Layout methods.
- Mobile application Resources.
- Programming properties of structural elements.
- Programming the behavior of structural elements in response to user actions. Event handling.
- Activities, activity states, intents, bundles. Navigation in a mobile application.
- Menus, dialogs, Widgets (tabs, date/time pickers, etc) and other sophisticated controls (RecyclerView).
- Asynchronous processes, multi-threaded programming. Communications with external data sources, services and interfaces.
- SQLlite database system. Data storage, management and retrieval.
Full course outline (PDF):