Advanced Manufacturing Systems

Master's programme(s):
Course type:


Semester (Full-time/Part-time students):



Teaching Hours and Credit Allocation: 30 Hours, 6 Credits

Course Assessment: Exam & Coursework

This course provides the student with an introduction to industrial manufacturing from the viewpoint of product design. It covers fundamental manufacturing processes such as: Metal Casting Processes, Powder Metallurgy, Sheet Metal Fabrication, Polymer Processing, Material Removal Processes, Sustainable Production, Advanced Material Production etc. New trends in production such as additive manufacturing and nanotechnology are covered extensively.

Successful completion of the course will provide the students with the benefits, limitations, and applications of different manufacturing processes for product fabrication. Various processes, machinery, and operations will be examined with emphasis placed on understanding engineering materials and processing parameters that influence design considerations, product quality, and production costs. Technical knowledge for selection of manufacturing processes with respect to product design will be presented.