Consulting Project in Industrial Design and Innovation

Master's programme(s):
Course type:


Semester (Full-time/Part-time students):



Seminar / presentation Hours and Credit Allocation: 8 hours, 6 Credits

Course Assessment: Written report

In the framework of MSc in Strategic Product Design, students are able to participate in a consulting project. Students study an actual problem of a given firm or organization. Students will receive the necessary information from the cooperating firms and organizations’ staff and they will cooperate with them throughout the project. Following analysis of the problem, the students prepare and present concrete and practical solution(s). The main target of the Consulting Project is to provide students with the opportunity to handle real-world problems within the field of their expertise and suggest operational solutions that can actually be implemented by the cooperating firms and organizations. Moreover, students will have the chance to develop close relationships with the cooperating companies and thus gain an appreciation of real business environments.

Each student / group of students is guided and supervised by a management member of the firm or organization and an academic member of the University. The final report is critically reviewed by both supervisors and presented to the firm/ organization’s representatives. Informative seminars, regarding the consulting projects’ processes and deliverables, and company presentation events are offered and supported respectively by the consulting projects’ co-ordinator