Design and Production

Master's programme(s):
Course type:


Semester (Full-time/Part-time students):



Teaching Hours and Credit Allocation: 30 Hours, 6 Credits

Course Assessment: Exam & Coursework

The first part of the course provides the student with an introduction to graphic communications, the engineering design process, the usage of computer aided design/computer aided manufacture/computer aided engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) systems as well as the benefits, limitations, and applications of different fundamental and advanced production processes for product fabrication as a basic knowledge for product managers. From a design perspective, the focus will be on understanding why technical drawing is an effective way to communicate engineering and product design concepts, by relating past developments to modern practices. Different examples will be presented for designing a product and for optimization as well as controlling manufacturing processes with CAD/CAM/CAE systems. From a production perspective, various processes, machinery, and operations will be presented with emphasis placed on understanding engineering materials in relation to processing parameters that influence design considerations, product quality, sustainable production and product costing.

The second part of the course will deal with an introduction to modern manufacturing concepts and the relationship between wealth creation and manufacturing. The theory of manufacturing systems will be covered to provide a generic framework for understanding the reasons why factories and production systems operate the way theydo, on the basis of production volume and production variety. The concept of cellular manufacture, based on the principle of group technology and essential in the factory environment for the operation of just in time manufacturing, will be explained. A workshop session will provide a practical application of the cellular manufacturing theory. The second part of the course will be completed with an introduction to international manufacturing, supply chains and logistics.