Processes for Power and Energy Conversion

Master's programme: MSc in Energy Systems

Teaching Hours and Credit Allocation:30 Hours, 6 Credits
Course Assessment:Interim & Final Exam

The course provides the fundamentals of thermodynamics and their application to major energy conversion systems, including energy from conventional and renewable energy systems. The purpose of this course is to introduce the basis for assessment of performance and consumption of fossil fuel and alternative fuels (biomass, biogas, waste, etc) involved in the generation of electricity and heat, usually through changes in thermodynamic conditions of fuels, interacting with thermo-mechanical devices.

The course includes additional 9h of supporting classes and hands-on practical training in the recently set up Energy Lab of the School of Science and Technology. The students will be trained on the operation of different energy systems, including a photovoltaic system, a solar thermal collector, a Stirling engine and a PEM fuel cell.

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