Smart Cities

Master's programme: MSc in Energy Building Design, MSc in Energy Systems, MSc in Environmental Management and Sustainability

Teaching Hours and Credit Allocation:30 Hours, 6 Credits
Course Assessment:Exam & Coursework

Buildings of today are complex. They incorporate various systems and technologies in order to provide an ideal comfort level for their inhabitants. Over time, some of the components might be improved, allowing the buildings occupants to select lighting, security, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems independently, as if they were putting together a personal computer.

Nowadays, it is not enough for a building to simply contain the systems that provide comfort, light and safety but to connect them in an integrated, dynamic and functional way. In that way, the comfort level of the inhabitants can be secured while minimizing energy cost, supporting a robust electric grid and mitigating environmental impact.

In the course students will be introduced to the various building services installed in buildings to make them comfortable, functional, efficient and safe. They will learn how they can be controlled mechanically or electronically and how they are integrated in to modern buildings.

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