Technology Management and Business Engineering

Master's programme(s):
Course type:


Semester (Full-time/Part-time students):



Teaching Hours and Credit Allocation: 16 Hours, 3 Credits

Course Assessment: Exam & Coursework

The aim of this course is to introduce the students to the key elements of technology management that include techniques for managing the product development process and aspects of engineering project management. The course will introduce strategic, organisational and technological aspects of product development, including the modelling of the product development process. The standards for managing new product development will be reviewed, together with the most popular models used by industry. Risk and technology readiness levels will be covered in the context of mitigating risk in technology management.

The second part of this course will cover engineering project management methods as a core capability for managing the development of new technology. The key attributes of projects will be analysed. The course will include instruction on how to deploy project management within organisations and practical workshop sessions will focus on practicing theory to promote understanding.