Data Mining

Master's programme(s):
Course code(s):

DSC08, ISE18, -

Course type:

Compulsory, Elective, Elective

Semester (Full-time/Part-time students):

2/2, 2/4, 2/4

Learning outcomes:

On completing the course, the student will be able to:

  • Organize and process knowledge efficiently (either given a priori or extracted)
  • Understand and apply various data mining approaches, including Classification, Clustering and Association Rules.
  • Understand, evaluate and utilise knowledge extracted from large volumes of data
  • Develop skills on a broad range of business intelligence problems.
General competences:
  • Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology
  • Decision Making
  • Teamwork
  • Production of free, creative, and inductive thinking

The course introduces fundamental concepts and tools related to Data Mining (DM).

  • Introduction to Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) and DM
  • Classification
  • Clustering
  • Association Rules
  • DM Systems, Data preprocessing and Evaluation
Full course outline (PDF):