ICT Essentials
Master's programme(s):
Course code(s):
Course type:
Semester (Full-time/Part-time students):
Learning outcomes:
The overall goal is not to turn managers into computer specialists but to provide them with the technological background that will allow them to:
- make informed business decisions based on the utilization of technology
- effectively interact with the technical staff
General competences:
- Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology
- Decision Making
- Teamwork
- Production of free, creative, and inductive thinking
This course is intended for students with little or no background in computer technology. It offers a broad coverage of modern technology concepts, outlining the basic principles of computing. ICT Essentials is an introduction to a variety of technologies and their applications, such as:
- Computer Systems Architecture
- Operating Systems
- Software Architecture and Information Systems
- Databases and Storage Systems
- Computer Networks, the Internet & the World Wide Web
- Mobile Computing
- Data Science and Business Analytics
- Big Data and Cloud Computing
- Information and Network Security
Full course outline (PDF):